četvrtak, 28. studenoga 2019.

Staffordshire hoard

(Working on article)

In the year 2009 on the field in Lichfield, Staffordshire, in England by using metal detector it is foound huge hoard from the time of Anglo-Saxon England, from period of years 600-650.

Hoard is constituted of different warrior golden and zircon objects, and also church objects. It is considered that this hoard is plunder od MErcian kingdom after battle and wictory of some Christian Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, probably East Anglia.

Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in Early Middle Ages. From north to south: Northambria (they especially suffered from Vikings beggining from 793., they are famous for archbishopric of Lindisfarn and saint Cuthbert), Mercia (it was long pagan kingdom, most famous for king Penda), East Anglia, Essex, Kent (from this place it beggan myssionary work from the end of 6th century from monk Augustine and his brothers), Sussex, Wessex (famous for it resistance to Viking raids and wictory over Vikings at the end of 9th century, most famous for king Alfred).
Other kingdoms are Celts, in the west ate Welsh (Celts), in the north are Scots, Picts kingdoms.

Objects are of gold, with very tinny incorporated red jewells called circon.

Agincourt carol

After great battle between England and France on October 3.1415. Englishmens did invented (early 15th century) song in honour of wictory in the battle.

It is so called Aguincourt carol.

Agincourt carol in manuscript from 15th century

Some interesting images from manuscripts

De proprietatibus rerum, Bartolomeo Anglicus, 15.century

 Unknown nederlandish artist, 15. century, manuscript of work of Cicerone 

Flamish artist, Roman de la rose, year 1498.

 The life of the very noble Count Gerard de Rousillon, year 1488.

 Manuscript from 15. century

 Grand Armorial équestre de la Toison d

srijeda, 27. studenoga 2019.

John of Ardern

John of Ardern in manuscript MS Hunter 112

John of Ardern (1307-1392) was English medieval doctor and surgeon. He is considered as one of originators of modern surgery. His different treatments are used evan today. 

John made treatment of rich and poor and he advised that rich be charged as much as possible and tratment of poor to be for free. For operations he advised that pation be put to sleep by using opium, so that patient "sleep so that can not feel any cutting". He devised doctor codex of behaving.

He studied medicine on medical faculty of University of Montpellier in France. It was the most famous medical faculty in Middle Ages in Europe. Before that the most famous was the medical faculty of Salerno, in Italy, but it brokedown in some 14th century and medical faculty of Montpellier became his succesor. 

John lived in Newark on Trent, Nottingham, and after that in London. He did service in Hundred Years War against France.

He wrote book Fistula in ano (as the other books). In this book he wrote about healing of fistula u rectum that form in knights after long sitting on horseback.

There is one interesting manuscript De arte Phisicali et de Cirurgica (Art of doctors and surgeons) from 1412. which  contains his treatments and systems of curing. In this manuscript, which is one scroll, there are few images of human anatomy which are very realistic.

Anatomy in manuscript. Who are not queasy can look by clicking on it. On purpose it is showed as display from left and right sides.

Some represantion from Byzantium

Great consul, year 518.

Emperor Constatine, mosaic from Temple of saint Sophia, 6th century

12th or 13th century (probably Thessaloniki)

Holy martyrs

Maximilian aromour

Maximilian armour is type of full plate armour (it means for the whole body) which appeared in 16th century in Germany. It is named of emperor of so called Holy Roman Empire (in essence German Empire) Maximilian I of Habsburg (1459-1518, emperor 1508-1519). It is characteristic by its folds on armour, raised shoulders and its weight (it is heavier then medieval gothic armour from 15th century).
Development of armour in 16th century, or so called Early Modern Age is practically countinuation of of development of European armour from Middle Ages (we can say that it is also form of continuation of in some sense medieval armory). This type of armour could not be appeared that  before armour of 16th century did not existed medieval types of armours, gothic and millanese (helm in this armour is especially result of development of itallian style armour from Middle Ages). Photos you can see here are representation of armour type that is called Maximillian armour.
Full plate armour (invented in second half of 14th century), it means full body plate armour and is made from shaped plates designed for particular parts of body appeare in whole history of the world only in western Europe. This types of armour can not be found in anywhere in the world, only western Europe in history, that it is made.
The most outspread system of armous in history are mostly lamellar armour, which are made by small joined plates. They appear in Byzantium, Mongoly, China, Japane and in other places.

Osmanlian Turks did used combination of mail (chained armour) and small plates, so that their armour did enabled them very good mobility (altough Europeans was not immobile in armour), also they did not used full helm.

Those stories from 19th century that they must be using windlass to mount on horse are not accurate. Knight, generally armoured European warrior was considerably mobile in armour, but this type of armour did hardened movement (but not in a way that they used windlass to mount on horsback).


Zytglogge (zyteglogge) is medieval tower in Bern, Switzerland. It is build in 13th century. Especially is interesting automatons near the clock. Astronomical clock originate from 15th century, and automatons from 1530. Automatons near clock are completely made in medieval style (colours, clothes, characters, everything is medieval). 

We can see medieval jester, rooster, king, bears (Bern (name of city) means bear).

You can see here work of automatons.  

Enlarged here down at 0:28

Astronomical clock in Prague, from 15th century

This astronomical clock in Prague (from 1410., today Czech Republic) also have automatons who are appeare every one hour.

It pottrays 12 apostoles, death, Jew or cupidity and other. This is not first astronomical clock as mentioned in video. 

As for colours, this and like many others are darkened by smog.

I think that Russians most of all nations (more then in western Europe) are taking care of their temples.

Some automatons

Those are some videos of automatons from 17th and 18th century, made by Met museum in New York.
Automaton in the shape of obelisk with clock, Flamish from 1777.


German automaton from 1610.

Writer and drawer, Swiss automaton

Dance, german automaton from 1625.

German clock with automaton, year 1554. 

Eastern automaton, around 1600. 

Systems of metalic discs, on wich function of automatons is based was inspiration for gramophon disks, and after that cd-s.

Some examples of automatons

Friar automaton from 1560.. He is made in southern Germany or Spain.

Turk automaton from the end of 18th century. This is considered as the most perfect automaton.


Automatons was early robots.

Those are examples of automatons made in 18th century and late 17th century.

First example is boy writer made by clockmaker Jaquet Droz in 18th century. This example is made so that every letter can be changed in mechanism so that boy can write different words, it menas any word can be written. This is like early type of programing.

Other example is from late 17th century. This is boy writer, but his writing is simplified and it letters can not be changed in mechanism. He can also draw.  

Whole system of those robots are based on development of technology of mechanical clocks. Mechanical clocks are invented in Europe in Middle Ages, it is hard to determine exact date. 
Some types of mechanical clocks appear also in China. 
In Middle Agesm in Europe appear from High Middle Ages clocks on towers. Also there also appears automatons in clocks. It was type of robots in clocks who made some moves when time is counted down. 
Some sophisticated automatons is mentioned at the Boukoleon palace in Constantinople in Middle Ages.

Invention of screwdriver in Late Middle Ages

Screwdriver is invention that go back to Late Middle Ages. Invention first came from Germany or France.
First mention is from german book Hausbuch von Schloss Wolfegg (Hausbook of castle Wolfegg) from 1480.. Book is about usefull arts for nobleman at that time.

Page from book

In Germany screwdriver was called schraubendreher and in France is called tournevis.

First screwdriver was only of one type and it is used for securing breastplate and frogmouth helmets (tournament helmet) and first shotguns (so called matchlock).

About all that write Witold Rybczynski in his book One Good Turn: A Natural History of the Screwdriwer and the Screw.

Invention of eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are first mentioned in work of Florentine Dominician friar Giordano da Pisa (1255–1311) in 1306.. He wrote that eyeglasses are invented 20 years before his writing and that he personaly meth inventor even he did not mention his name. 
Inventor is certainly from nothern Itlay, probably from Pisa.

First picture of eyeglasses is from 1352. on portrait of cardinal Hugg de Saint-Cher made by Thommaso de Modena. We can see here that cardinal is wearing the glasses.

First picture of glasses in the world

First eyeglasses was only for reading and not for farsight.

utorak, 26. studenoga 2019.

Baby walker

Baby walker is not modern invention. First baby walkers was from 15th century as we can see in manuscripts.

This is from manuscript Le livre d'heures de Catherine de Clèves from 15th century. Here baby Jesus Christ is walking in baby walker.

This is from manuscript Humans ages, 15th century.

It can be seen in more 15th century manuscripts.

Interesting armour of Julius Brunswick, 16th century

This is armour of Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1528 –1589).

Julius was Protestant. 
He established University of Helmstedt.

Extraordinary decorated 16th century armour

As you can see this is extraordinary decorated armour with gold and engravings. Armour engraving and every type of decoration of armours face begane in 16th centrury (before that there was coloring of armour, using silver and gold plate stripes, engraving of stripes). Before 16th century there was certain systems of engravings of gold and silver plate stripes on armour, but there was not engraving of armours face or it was really rare. Yet in 16th century we can see every kind of armour decorations, mostly in style of rennaissance art forms. This type of armour and every kind like this decorated armour was not used in fights (certainly armours in fights was  decorated in some degree). 

nedjelja, 24. veljače 2019.

Book of Hours by Boucicaut Master

This Book of Hours is made by creator of Boucicaut Book of Hours. It is made in 1410. in Paris, French.

Saint Luke

St. Luke (Univ. of Melbourne, Special Collections, UniM Bail SpC/ RB 61AA/3)

Saint John

St. John at Patmos:

srijeda, 6. veljače 2019.

nedjelja, 20. siječnja 2019.

Short description of history of Ireland in Early Middle Ages (400-1000)

Irish people are Celts in origin, who came to island of Ireland from ancient times. They are speaking Irish langhuage which is one type of Celtic language. Irish people in Early Middle Ages spoke Old Irish language and wrote in their Ogham script, which is jag type of script.

As regard to Rome, Rome never conquered the island of Ireland. Rome conquered the larg part of British island but never came to Ireland. 

In Early Middle Ages Ireland consisted of many small kingdoms. It is not certain the number at one period of this petty kingdoms. Historians thinks that at one time number of kingdoms was from 100 to 150 kingdoms. King of his kingdom was king of people, in latin plebs, or in Irish tuath. King was king of people, not the country. Irish people at that time had tribes and very strong tribal identity. So, kingdoms was smaler parts of their tribes. Kingdoms was called in relation to their king, for example Ui Dunlainge which means descendent of Dunlang, and Cenel Conaill which means kindred of Conall.  Kingdoms was very simple in their structure and they could be very small consisting of only few families. Richness was represented in cattle, also dues to king was collected in cattle. Kingdoms was very simple, most kings had stewerd to collect dues, army for war and there was annual assemblies of people - tuath for deliberations. Very important people in country was lawyers, poets and first pagan priests and after Christianization Christian clerics. Lawyers was very learned profession with their advanced law education. There was law hadbooks and tracts. Very interesting is law tract called Crith Gablach from eigth century about rituals and rules for governing kingship; prescribing what king had to do every day. In it, every day is dedicated to ceratin thing and job of king.

Ireland was divided in five provinces: Ulster, Connacht, Meath, Leinster and Munster. There was two main dynasties of kings of Ireland in rivarly with each other. They were Ui Neill and Eoganachta. Ui Neill dominated in Meath and western Ulster, and Eoganachta dominated in Munster. Each of them had religios, rituals centres, Ui Neill in Tara and Eoganachta in Cashel. Leinster was mostly outside of dominance of this two dynasties, and also Connacht the poorest province of Ireland. 

Ireland begun to be Christian island very early, it started in fifth century thanks to missionary work of Britton Patrick. His writings survive to this day. Irish written sources begun in late sixth century and by that time paganism was just the memory. Irish Christianity had episcopal centers attached to kingdoms. Episcopasy of Armagh first claimed episcopal primacy claiming that Patrick was first Irish bishop in Amagh. It was largely ignored by Dal Riata kingdom religious centre - monastery of Iona. That monastery was founded in island of Iona in western Scotland, and was founded by Colum Cille (saint Columba, d. 597) in 563, and it was protected by Ui Neill. Monasteries was very powerful and rich by bestowal of land to them. One of the most powerfull monastery was Clonmacnois in the centre of Ireland. Irish church had some and gave sense of wider Irish identity beyond fragmented Irish kingdoms. First church councils began in the year 560, education of Latin began at that time and by seventh century there was flowering of ecclesiastical literature: hagiography, penitentials, poetry, grammer. Irish church had influence on Francia from Columbanus (d. 615) to John the Scot (d. 877).  

Northern Antrim kingdom of Dal Riata expanded to western Scotland by late fith century occupying Argyll and some Hebridean islnds. After 640 kingdom fragmented into two or three rival lineages. Argyll become larger than any of Irish kingdoms. Kingdom of Alba by 900 was larger and most stable kingdom in region. Scotland was inhabited by Picts from old times, but by 890 in Irish part of Scotland we can see more and more of Irish culture, Irish language and Irish church organization. 

Vikings started to raid Irish kingdoms by 795. They raided coastal settlements, mostly monasteries. In 840 they began to over-winter on Lough Neagh in Ulster, in Dublin, in Meath and Lough Ree in the center of island. They started founding the more permanent settlements as Dublin becomed and Cork, Waterford, Limerick. Dublin was very powerfull city, important traiding settlement and was situated in tradition heartlands od Irish politics and was also the agriculturally richest. Situated in Meath, it was very important to Ui Nell dynasties. From that time Irish kingdoms moved in direction trying to establish united Irish kingdom. 

King Feidlimid mac Crimthainn (d. 847) from Eoganachta of Cashel first aimed for high-kinghip of Ireland itself. He first taken Cashel the paramount kinship of Munster in 820, he established wide alliance in west Munster and Leinster. By 830-31 he was attacking northward into Connacht and Meath, by 840 he was ravaging Meath and camped at Tara, place of Ui Neill paramount kingship. He attempted to form links with major monastic centre of Armagh in northern Ireland and become abbot of Cork in 836 and Clontfert in Connacht in 838. 

Second king to aim for united Irish kingdom or high king of all Ireland was Mael Sechnaill I mac Mael Ruanaid (d. 862). Mael Sechnaill was from Clann Cholmain and king of Tara, hegemonic over Ui Neill by 846. He was strong opponent of Vikings, sacking Dublin in 849. He moved to Munster reaching the sea by war in 858. Annals of Ulster after his death call him "king of all Ireland". 

Third king to aim for high king of all the Ireland was Brian Borama - Brian Boru - mac Cennetig, king of Dal Cais from 976-1014 and leading Ui Neill king. Brian recreated the power of Mael Sechnail and connected the smallest kingdoms of Ireland which was never connected to neither of the great two dynasties. He fought the Vikings a lot, and Munster kings and their Norse allies. He built his authority in Connacht and Leinster. He gained submission from most of Ulsters king in 1005-8 and Cenel Conaill in 1011. Brian was offically for the first time recognized by everyone as "king of Ireland". In his ceremonial visit to Aragh in 1005 his secretary called him "emperor of Irish". Revolts started in Leinster. Two sides clashed in battle in 1014, in batltle of Clontarf. At one side was Brians army and on the other was Vikings and Brians Irish rivarlies - Leinster, Dublin, Orkney... Brians side won but he was killed in battle and also leading king of Leinster and Viking Jarl Sigurd of Orkney. 

Chronicle the war of the Gaedhil (Irish) with the Gaill (Vikings) recounts of benefits od Brians hegemony: peace, much tribute, justice, restoration of churches, learning, roads, fortresses and hospitality. 

In the following two centuries Leinster and Connacht provided claimants to Irish hegemony for the first time in history, also in rivarly with Brians descendents and with nothern Ui Neill. All this created large instability in Ireland, and Ireland was still island of many kingdoms when English-Norman invasion came in 1169 and they conquered all the Ireland.

subota, 19. siječnja 2019.

Some examples of reliable 15th century look

There is around the world manifastations and gatherings in reconstruction of periods and places od medieval history. Then they gather in medieval costumes, armours and their participate in tournaments and other medieval events.

Here I present some of photos, of reliable looks and areas from 15th century western Europe.

In first and second photo is nobleman from 15th century. He has clothing totaly reliable for that period, hat is also hat of lord from 15th century. His clothing has reliable gothic embroidery from 15th century.
Second photo is the same.
In third photo, we can see gentleman, nobleman from 15th century. He has all clothing from 15th century for nobleman, also chair is from that period. Everything is reliable in this photo. It is like photo is taken from 15th century.
In fourth and fifth photo we can see noblewomen from 15th century. Again, everything here is reliable, dress, hat, it is all reliable. Also, haircut is reliable, because in that period there was fashion of noblwomen to shave upper part of hair, just a little bit.

All in all, those photos showes reliable look from 15th century western nobility. Maybe only some golden jewels could be added.

Jouster Ben van Koert at Arundel International Tournament 2014 (photo by ARW Photo)

Welvarende Crimeaan, verveeld op een feest.

Burgundy fashion, the end of the 15th century, Europe.

Traditional hennin....as seen  here, women actually plucked their hair lines as they did  their  eyebrows. Hair was not  allowed to show and the higher  the forehead,  it's thought  the more attractive they were